Sedation Dentistry in Harrisburg

Looking for a Sedation Dentist Near Me

If you know that a visit to the dentist is in your future but are anxious about it, you have options. At Afton Dental, we treat a lot of patients from the Harrisburg area who need assistance during their visits. We offer sedation dentistry to help people feel more at ease. This can be very useful for all parties involved.

Who Benefits From Sedation Dentistry?

A variety of patients may want to think about this type of dentistry. It works well for those who are nervous about their appointments and may have physical or mental challenges associated with a visit to our office. Likewise, it could be ideal for those who would otherwise have a hard time sitting still with their mouth open for an extended amount of time. Some people have a strong gag reflex that makes it difficult to get procedures done, and some patients have very long procedures ahead of them in which they could get fatigued.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

When you visit our office and think about having a sedative, our dentist, Dr. Bryan Hill, will talk you through everything. Dr. Hill can discuss the various options and provide recommendations as to what type of medication would be suitable. We typically either use oral sedation or inhaled sedation. Oral medication can be mild, making you very sleepy and relaxed. You'll stay awake during the procedure, and you'll be able to breathe on your own. You'll recover from the sedative within a few hours. 

Inhaled sedation is used frequently, and it's administered through a small mask that would fit over your nose. You'd simply breathe in and out like normal and will inhale the nitrous oxide medication. At the end of the visit, we'll make sure you get plenty of oxygen, and the nitrous oxide will quickly wear off. You'd even be able to drive yourself home.

These medications work by making one of your neurotransmitters more active. That neurotransmitter is responsible for slowing down your brain activity, so it makes sense that when it's working harder, you'll feel more relaxed than usual. Once the medication is working, we can then begin our procedure, whatever it may entail. You'll be able to respond to our instructions and can stay calm and collected while we finish our job.

Searching for a Sedation Dentist Near Me? Turn to Afton Dental

We're here to provide comprehensive dentistry services to our local community in Concord, Harrisburg, and the surrounding areas. You can end your search for a sedation dentist near me by reaching out to our practice at Afton Dental. Call for an appointment or if you have any questions.