How Can Pregnancy Affect My Oral Health?

How Can Pregnancy Affect My Oral Health?

Pregnancy is a magical experience, filled with joy, anticipation, visits to your doctor, and preparing to welcome your little one. However, it’s important not to forget your oral health amidst all the excitement. Dr. Hill and his team would like to congratulate you on your upcoming bundle of joy and look forward to supporting your oral health every step of the way!

Oral Health During Pregnancy

Your body will experience many hormonal changes during pregnancy, which may affect your gums, potentially causing a condition known as pregnancy gingivitis. About 70 percent of pregnant women develop gum disease, which usually peaks around the eighth month of pregnancy, and tapers off after the baby’s birth. Morning sickness can also impact your oral health. Repeated and prolonged exposure to stomach acids can result in tooth enamel erosion, decay, and sensitivity. So the next time morning sickness hits, make sure to rinse your mouth to prevent damage to your teeth.

Pregnant women tend to crave sugary treats and often snack and graze, increasing the risk of developing tooth decay, so the next time you’re ready for a treat, it’s best to opt for a healthy one. Dry mouth, another condition that afflicts many moms-to-be, can increase the risk of infections and tooth decay. To alleviate dry mouth symptoms, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and try chewing sugarless gum to help stimulate saliva production.

Sometimes expectant moms develop tiny lumps and bumps along the gum line and between the teeth. These harmless growths, known as pregnancy tumors, are characterized by red, raw mulberry-like lesions that bleed easily. The good news is that these tumors are benign and no cause for alarm. While most resolve after pregnancy, we can remove them if they cause discomfort.

How Does Oral Health Affect a Developing Baby?

Did you know that your oral health can impact your developing baby? Studies show a link between an expectant mom’s gum disease and premature delivery and low birth weights, which increases the risk of an infant developing serious health conditions. Moreover, keeping your smile clean and healthy will limit the transmission of cavity-causing bacteria from your mouth to your newborn’s mouth.

How Can You Get Your Smile Pregnancy Ready?

We recommend a dental exam and professional cleaning before becoming pregnant and having any necessary preventive or restorative dental procedures completed. Make sure to continue regular dental visits during your pregnancy to keep your smile in tip-top shape.

Quality Pregnancy Dentistry Care Near Me

Visit Afton Dental in Concord, NC, to learn more about maintaining optimal oral health before, during, and after your pregnancy. We encourage you to practice meticulous oral hygiene care and inform us of any oral health changes. Call us and schedule your appointment today!