Signs You May Need a Root Canal

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

At Afton Dental, we are dedicated to keeping your natural teeth intact, and root canal therapy can do just that. Despite its reputation, the relatively comfortable and straightforward procedure relieves pain resulting from tooth infection rather than causing it and saves damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. With our cutting-edge technology and techniques, modern…

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Should Metal Fillings Be Replaced With Composites?


In the past, the only way to repair cavities was using metal fillings. Today, tooth-colored composites offer a much more aesthetic and appealing restorative solution. If you’re wondering if you should have your metal fillings replaced with composites, talk to your trusted team at Afton Dental. We will evaluate your current restorations and help you…

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Four Common Causes of Toothaches

If you have ever suffered from a toothache, you know how excruciating the pain can be. Tooth pain is usually caused by irritation to the nerves in the roots of the teeth, although there are other potential sources of the pain as well. Fortunately, there are ways to both prevent and resolve a toothache, regardless…

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What, exactly, is a root canal?

Our team knows one thing no patient likes hearing when visiting our office is root canal. But what, exactly, is a root canal, and when might you need one? A root canal is a treatment uses to repair and save a tooth that is infected or badly decayed to the point where the nerve is…

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