What Is Cracked Tooth Syndrome and How Is It Treated?

What Is Cracked Tooth Syndrome and How Is It Treated?

Cracked tooth syndrome is a very common condition. While you may not realize you have a cracked tooth, you’ll likely experience some symptoms. Even a hairline crack too small to detect using an x-ray can wreak havoc on your oral health. A visit to Afton Dental will alleviate your discomfort and get your smile back on track.

What Is Cracked Tooth Syndrome and How Does It Develop?

Cracked tooth syndrome is characterized by fractures in the teeth, ranging from minor to ones that go all the way to the nerve endings. A tooth crack often results from biting down on hard foods, sudden temperature changes, large fillings, or wear and tear. It can also develop after root canal therapy or due to chronic tooth grinding and clenching, a condition known as bruxism.

Symptoms of Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome symptoms include painful chewing or biting, sensitivity to temperature extremes, hard to pinpoint discomfort, or gum swelling around the fractured tooth. Pain accompanying cracked tooth syndrome tends to come and go.

Diagnosing Cracked Tooth Syndrome

Cracked tooth syndrome is notoriously challenging to identify because the fractures may be too small to detect even with x-rays. Here are some ways we diagnose cracked tooth syndrome:

  • Evaluating your symptoms and examining your teeth and gums to look out for any cracks or inflamed gum tissue
  • Using an instrument called a dental explorer to detect cracked or rough edges
  • Using a magnifying glass to search for small cracks
  • Having you bite down and release the pressure to determine the source of pain
  • Using x-rays to reveal the condition of the tooth pulp, which may indicate the presence of a fracture
  • Applying a special dental dye to the tooth surfaces to make a crack more visible

Cracked Tooth Syndrome Treatment

We usually treat cracked tooth syndrome using dental crowns, bondings, or fillings, depending on the fractures’ location and severity. In some cases, root canal therapy may be necessary to repair and save a damaged tooth. If you grind and clench your teeth, we may recommend wearing a custom mouthguard during sleep to prevent further damage. If the crack is below the gum line, we may have no option but to extract the affected tooth. In that case, we will discuss restoring your healthy, functional smile using a dental implant or bridge.

Quality Dental Care Near Me

Visit Afton Dental in Concord, NC, to learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of cracked tooth syndrome. We are here to alleviate your discomfort and restore your healthy smile. Call us and schedule your appointment today!