If chipped, discolored, or otherwise damaged teeth interfere with your smile, Afton Dental is here to help. We are pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry solutions, such as dental crowns, using the latest technology and techniques. We understand the importance of a healthy, beautiful smile and are committed to delivering the highest quality, natural-looking restorations that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. 

What Is a Dental Crown?

Imagine a cap that fully encases your tooth. That's basically what a dental crown is! It is a protective cover that fits over the visible portions of a tooth. We use dental crowns for various reasons, but their primary role is strengthening and protecting damaged teeth. They can also improve a tooth's appearance, shape, or alignment.

Why Do People Need Dental Crowns?

There are several reasons you may require a dental crown, including the following: 


  • Large Cavities: Sometimes, a cavity is too large to be repaired by a dental filling. A crown provides extra support, preventing further damage to the tooth structure.
  • Cracked or Broken Teeth: If you have ever cracked or broken a tooth, you know it can be painful and sensitive. A crown can relieve your discomfort and protect the affected tooth.
  • Root Canals: After a root canal, a tooth becomes weak and prone to fracture. A dental crown helps fortify the tooth's structure, strengthening it and restoring its form and function.
  • Cosmetic Enhancement: Some people choose crowns to improve the look of their teeth. That's especially true for patients with severe tooth discoloration, wear, misshapen, gapped, misaligned, or otherwise imperfect teeth. 

What Are Dental Crowns Made Of?

At Afton Dental, we offer a range of crown materials, including metal, porcelain, or a mixture of both. Metal crowns are resistant to corrosion and provide incredible strength and durability. Porcelain crowns, on the other hand, closely match the color and texture of your natural tooth enamel and are incredibly strong, delivering healthy, seamless smiles. 

What Is the Dental Crown Process?

The dental crown placement process typically requires two appointments. We will first take x-rays to check the roots and surrounding bone before numbing the tooth and surrounding gum tissue. We will then shape the tooth to make room for your new crown and take impressions of the area that our partner laboratory will use to create a custom restoration with a perfect fit. We will place a temporary crown to protect the tooth until the permanent one is ready.


During the second visit, we will recheck the fit and color match of your permanent crown and cement it in place. We will make any adjustments needed to ensure the best comfort and function. Your new crowns will look like any of your natural teeth.

Taking Care of Your Dental Crown

Dental crowns are strong, but you should treat them with care. Avoid chewing hard foods or ice. And, just like your natural teeth, remember to brush and floss around your crown to keep it clean and free of plaque.

Dental Crowns Near Me in Cornelius, NC

Dental crowns offer an effective solution for many dental problems. Whether you've broken a tooth or want to improve its appearance, a crown can provide strength, protection, and a bright, healthy smile. A consultation with Dr. Hill at Afton Dental will help you determine whether a dental crown is the right choice for you. We invite you to call us at 704-788-1717 or complete our online form to schedule your appointment today!