Nothing boosts confidence like a bright, white smile. If your teeth are discolored due to age, smoking, or drinking coffee, tea, and wine, then teeth whitening is an excellent way to restore their natural brilliance. Afton Dental, led by Dr. Bryan Hill, DDS, offers professional teeth whitening services in Cornelius, NC to give you a smile you'll be proud to show off.

What is Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that lightens teeth and removes stains and discoloration. It is among the most popular dental procedures as it can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth. The procedure can be performed in a dental office or at home with dentist-supervised methods.

Benefits of Teeth Whitening

There are numerous benefits to teeth whitening. It can boost your self-confidence, enhance your appearance, improve oral hygiene, and give you a brighter, more attractive smile. A whiter smile can also make you appear more professional, trustworthy, and successful in both your personal and professional life.

The Teeth Whitening Process at Afton Dental

  • Pre-whitening Examination - Before the teeth whitening procedure, Dr. Bryan Hill, DDS, will conduct a comprehensive oral examination to assess your overall oral health. He will also discuss your teeth whitening goals and expectations to ensure you get the results you desire.
  • In-office Teeth Whitening - At Afton Dental, we use state-of-the-art technology and advanced whitening techniques for safe and effective results. During your in-office teeth whitening session, a high-concentration whitening gel is applied to your teeth, and a special light is used to accelerate the whitening process. In just one visit, your teeth can become several shades whiter.
  • Take-home Teeth Whitening Kits - If you prefer to whiten your teeth at home, we offer customized take-home teeth whitening kits. These kits include whitening trays tailored to fit your teeth perfectly and prescription-strength whitening gel. With regular use, you can achieve professional results in the comfort of your own home.


Why Choose Afton Dental for Teeth Whitening in Cornelius, NC

  • Experienced Dentist - Dr. Bryan Hill, DDS, is a highly skilled and experienced dentist who has successfully performed numerous teeth whitening procedures. He is dedicated to providing top-quality dental care to patients in Cornelius, NC, and the surrounding areas.
  • Modern Whitening Techniques - At Afton Dental, we utilize the latest whitening technology and techniques to ensure you get safe and effective results. Our modern approach allows us to provide you with a brighter, whiter smile in less time.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans - We understand that each patient has unique needs and goals. That's why we create customized teeth whitening treatment plans tailored to suit your specific needs and achieve your desired results.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is suitable for most adults with good oral health. However, it may not be the best option for everyone. It's essential to consult with Dr. Bryan Hill, DDS, at Afton Dental to determine if teeth whitening is right for you.

Common Concerns about Teeth Whitening

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

When performed by a qualified dentist or under dentist supervision, teeth whitening is a safe procedure. Dr. Bryan Hill, DDS, takes every precaution to ensure your safety during the procedure.

How Long Do Results Last?

Teeth whitening results can last anywhere from several months to a few years, depending on your oral hygiene habits and lifestyle choices. Regular dental check-ups and proper oral care can help maintain your bright smile.

Cost of Teeth Whitening

The cost of teeth whitening can vary depending on several factors, including the type of whitening procedure and the extent of the treatment. We offer affordable teeth whitening options to suit your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions about Teeth Whitening

Does teeth whitening hurt?

Most patients experience minimal discomfort during teeth whitening. Some may experience temporary sensitivity, which usually subsides within a few days.

How can I maintain my teeth whitening results?

To maintain your results, practice good oral hygiene, avoid staining foods and beverages, and have regular dental check-ups.

Can teeth whitening damage my teeth?

When performed by a qualified dentist or under dentist supervision, teeth whitening is safe and should not damage your teeth.

How long does the teeth whitening procedure take?

In-office teeth whitening typically takes about an hour, while take-home kits can take a few weeks to achieve the desired results.

Are teeth whitening permanent?

Teeth whitening results are not permanent. However, with proper oral care and regular dental check-ups, you can maintain your bright smile for a long time.

Schedule your Teeth Whitening Appointment in Cornelius, NC Today!

Ready to transform your smile with teeth whitening in Cornelius, NC? Schedule your appointment with Dr. Bryan Hill at Afton Dental today by calling 704-788-1717! Experience the magic of a radiant smile that boosts your confidence and leaves a lasting impression on everyone you meet.