Contrary to common perception, root canal therapy is not a scary procedure but a beneficial treatment designed to save damaged teeth. At Afton Dental, our compassionate team spares no effort to ensure you are informed, relaxed, and comfortable during treatment. You can always count on our skilled and experienced team for care that exceeds your expectations. 

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

The innermost portion of every tooth is an area called the pulp chamber, which contains blood vessels, connective tissues, and nerves. If the pulp tissues become infected or inflamed due to trauma, deep decay, or a tooth fracture, you may need an endodontic procedure known as root canal therapy. Otherwise, the damage may continue to progress, leading to severe pain, swelling, or an abscess. The infection can also make its way into your bloodstream, causing serious health complications. 

What Is the Root Canal Process?


Preparing for Treatment

We will examine the affected tooth, evaluate your symptoms, and use advanced imaging to assess the extent of damage and plan for treatment. Make sure you let us know about symptoms such as persistent toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, or tenderness, which may indicate the need for a root canal treatment. 

We will administer a local anesthetic to numb the affected tooth and surrounding area to ensure you are comfortable during treatment. We are also happy to offer sedation dentistry options, if needed, to help you relax in the dentist's chair.

The Root Canal Procedure

Once the tooth is numb, we will create a small opening in its crown to access the pulp tissues and root canals. We use specialized instruments to carefully remove the infected or inflamed pulp tissues from the tooth's interior. This step is essential for eliminating bacteria and preventing the spread of infection.

Next, we will clean and shape the root canals to remove any remaining debris, bacteria, or infected tissue. The next step is filling the root canals with a biocompatible material to seal off the area and prevent recontamination. 


After Your Root Canal Procedure

After a root canal treatment, the tooth will become brittle and prone to fracture. That's why we typically recommend placing a dental crown after treatment. Your new crown will restore the tooth's strength, function, and appearance and protect it from further damage. 

We encourage our patients to maintain good home oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, to prevent new decay or damage. We also recommend regular dental exams and cleanings to maintain your oral health. With proper care, your treated tooth can last a lifetime.


How Painful Is a Root Canal?

Contrary to popular belief, root canal therapy is not a distressing and painful procedure. With advancements in dental technology and techniques and modern local anesthetics, the treatment is relatively comfortable for most patients. Moreover, root canal therapy relieves pain caused by an infected tooth, so you should feel better after your treatment. 

Root Canal Therapy Near Me in Cornelius, NC

Root canal therapy at Afton Dental is an endodontic procedure that relieves tooth pain and helps preserve natural teeth. By addressing common misconceptions about root canals being the source of unbearable pain, we strive to ensure our valued patients feel informed and at ease. We invite you to call us at 704-788-1717 or complete our online form to schedule your appointment today!