How Can a Crown Help My Smile?

How can a dental crown help my smile?

If you are in search of cosmetic dentistry solutions to enhance your smile, you’ve come to the right place. At Afton Dental, we are proud to offer a variety of restorations, including dental crowns, to strengthen and protect damaged teeth or mask any imperfections. You’ll love the incredibly natural results!

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown or cap is a cosmetic restoration that fully encases the portion of the tooth above the gum line. It can be used to restore a tooth to its natural size, shape, or appearance. Crowns can be made of different material but, Porcelain crowns are usually preferred because they mimic the translucency of natural teeth and are very strong and durable.

At Afton Dental, we are proud to offer Porcelain crowns.  The cosmetic crowns strengthen your teeth and deliver beautiful, natural-looking results!

How Do Cosmetic Crowns Enhance Your Smile?

Dental Crowns can strengthen and preserve teeth that are chipped, cracked, broken, worn due to grinding (bruxism), or those that have undergone root canal therapy or have portions destroyed by deep decay. A crown or onlay (partial crown) provides a restorative dentistry solution when insufficient tooth structure and strength remain to support a dental filling.

Crowns are frequently used as a component of a smile makeover. They improve the aesthetics of your smile by restoring missing teeth and correcting the appearance of stained, discolored, misshapen, or imperfect teeth. Your restorations will look and feel incredibly natural!

Caring for Your Dental Crown

Make sure you brush and floss regularly to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Refrain from consuming hard or sticky foods to avoid breaking or pulling off your crown. If your restoration comes out or feels loose, contact us immediately for an appointment and care instructions until you get to our office.

We recommend dental exams and professional cleanings twice a year to allow us to monitor your restorations and your oral health. With proper care, your cosmetic crowns will enhance your smile and oral health for many years to come.

Restore Your Smile with a Dental Crown

Contact Afton Dental in Concord, NC to learn more about dental crowns and to determine if they are right for you. We are committed to utilizing cutting-edge technology and proven techniques to deliver beautiful, functional smiles. Call us and schedule your appointment today!