Dental Extractions in Charlottesville

Could You Benefit From Dental Extractions?

In a perfect world, your teeth will grow straight and always fit your mouth perfectly. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and sometimes your teeth may need to be removed. These removal procedures are known as tooth extractions.

What Are Tooth Extractions?

You may hear tooth extractions referred to simply as pulling teeth. During this procedure, Dr. Bryan Hill will remove the entire tooth from its socket in the gums. While saving your teeth is a top priority for any dental health professional, sometimes saving them isn't a feasible option. 

There are many different reasons that you may need to undergo a tooth extraction. These include:

  • Fractured tooth
  • Severely decayed tooth
  • Impacted tooth
  • Severe gum disease
  • Tooth luxation
  • Crowded teeth
  • Misgrown baby teeth

How Are Tooth Extractions Performed?

If Dr. Hill determines that you would benefit from a tooth extraction, then you'll schedule an appointment for the extraction to occur. He'll start by numbing the area of the mouth where the extraction will take place so that you don't experience any discomfort during the procedure. Afton Dental offers sedation dentistry, where you'll be given nitrous oxide or an oral sedative to help relax your body and increase your pain threshold.

Next, the tooth will be removed from the socket. In cases where the tooth broke off or is severely decayed to a position underneath the gumline, Dr. Hill will make an incision into the gums to expose the existing tooth. Once the tooth has been entirely removed, you can expect light bleeding to occur for the following 24 hours.

The Benefits of Dental Extractions

Before you start searching for professional tooth extraction near me, it's worth understanding just why Dr. Hill may recommend this procedure. First and foremost, it helps to remove the main breeding ground of harmful bacteria. If you let a severely decayed tooth go unchecked, you can expect it to start damaging your other teeth. 

Another great benefit of dental extractions is that they can eliminate pain associated with a decayed or broken tooth. With the bad tooth extracted, you can start to plan for a more pristine smile with an implant or other cosmetic option. When your smile is looking good, it can help to boost your self-confidence level and even enhance your overall quality of life.

Schedule Expert Tooth Extraction Near Me

Don't squander your time searching for professional tooth extraction near me. Rather, contact Afton Dental today and schedule an appointment to get the dental assistance you need in the Charlottesville, NC area.