Losing one or more of your teeth can impact your smile and quality of life, and we at Afton Dental are here to help. We proudly offer dental implants, the next best thing to natural, healthy teeth. Whether you’ve lost one, some, or all of your teeth, we have the perfect solution for you! 

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a small, titanium post that acts like a natural tooth root, offering a solid foundation to support an implant restoration that looks like your natural teeth. If you’re missing one tooth, an aesthetic crown placed on a dental implant can restore your smile with seamless results. 

In addition to single tooth replacements, we use dental implants to anchor dentures, especially the lower ones, which tend to shift and slip when talking or chewing. If you wear a partial denture, dental implants can fill gaps in your smile with beautifully natural results. 

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

The main goal of implant dentistry is to provide a long-lasting solution for missing teeth and provide you with an aesthetically pleasing, functional smile. Aside from aesthetics, missing one or more teeth can cause a domino effect in your mouth because the surrounding teeth often shift toward the gap. That can lead to crooked teeth and problems with the bite. Moreover, when a tooth goes missing, the jawbone deteriorates, leading to tooth loss. 

Dental implants are the only restorations that act like natural tooth roots, stabilizing the bone and preventing bone loss. They allow you to speak, chew, and smile with confidence, knowing your teeth won’t slip or shift. Dental implants have a high success rate, and with proper care, they can enhance your smile for a lifetime. 

What Is the Dental Implant Procedure?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Hill will discuss the procedure and evaluate your unique needs to help you determine whether implant dentistry is right for you. 

The implant process starts by placing one or more titanium posts into the jawbone. Over the next few months, your implants will integrate with the bone, creating a solid foundation to support your crown or implant-supported denture. When the area heals, we will attach your new replacement tooth or teeth, restoring your natural-looking smile. 

Even though the implant process takes some time as you wait for healing and for the implant to integrate with the bone, the incredible results of implant dentistry are worth the effort. 

Dental Implants Near Me in Mallard Creek, NC

Losing one or more of your teeth can be distressing, but it doesn’t have to be. Afton Dental can help you regain your smile’s health, function, and beautifully natural appearance. With dental implants, we will have you smiling, chewing, and speaking comfortably again. We invite you to call us at 704-788-1717 or complete our online form to schedule your appointment today!