If you are hiding your smile due to tooth flaws or imperfections, you have come to the right place. Afton Dental is pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry procedures, including dental veneers, to help you regain your bright, radiant smile! Visit us to get started today!

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are thin porcelain shells custom-designed to cover the front surfaces of your teeth. They mask tooth flaws and imperfections, transforming your smile. Porcelain veneers are natural in appearance, offering the perfect solution for patients wanting to make minor adjustments to the look and feel of their smiles. 

What Is the Dental Veneers Procedure? 

The veneer placement process starts with a consultation with our experienced team. We will evaluate your oral health, discuss your goals for your smile, and create a personalized treatment plan to deliver your desired results.

Once your custom plan is in place, we will prepare your teeth by removing a small amount of tooth enamel, just enough to make room for your new veneers. The next step is taking impressions to create a unique model of your teeth. We will send the model to a dental laboratory where skilled technicians meticulously craft your custom veneers. Meanwhile, we will place temporary veneers to protect your prepared teeth. 

When your permanent veneers are ready, you will return for a placement appointment. We will check the fit, shape, and color of your restorations before bonding them to your teeth. You will be amazed at the instant transformation. Enjoy your new radiant, symmetrical smile!

What Are the Benefits of Veneers?

Veneers offer many benefits, including the following:

  • Flawless Appearance: Veneers are one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures. They effortlessly improve the appearance of chipped, stained, worn, or discolored teeth and even small gaps in your smile. If your teeth have lost their luster over time, porcelain veneers can restore them to their former glory.
  • Customized for You: Every smile is unique, and so are veneers! Dr. Hill will work closely with you to choose the right shade and shape for your veneers, ensuring they blend seamlessly with your teeth. The result? An incredibly natural smile that's uniquely yours.
  • Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Solution: The veneer procedure is virtually painless. It involves removing a minimal amount of tooth enamel, unlike other restorations like dental crowns, which require extensive reshaping of the tooth structure. Veneers offer a quick, efficient, and conservative way to transform your smile.

How to Take Care of Veneers?

Taking care of your new veneers is like caring for your natural teeth. Maintain good oral hygiene habits, including regular brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. While veneers are durable, avoid excessive force or chewing on hard objects so you don't accidentally chip or fracture them. If you grind your teeth in your sleep, we recommend wearing a night guard for protection. 

Even though porcelain veneers are resistant to staining, we recommend limiting the consumption of dark foods and drinks, like coffee, tea, red wine, or berries. With proper care, your new restorations will continue to enhance your smile for many years to come.  

Dental Veneers Near Me in Mallard Creek, NC

Veneers offer a transformative solution for achieving the smile you've always dreamed of. Dr. Hill and our dedicated team look forward to welcoming you to Afton Dental's state-of-the-art facility, where we will take good care of you and your smile. Call us at 704-788-1717 or complete our online form to schedule your appointment today!