At Afton Dental, saving your natural teeth is always our topmost priority! At times, that may require an endodontic treatment known as root canal therapy. Contrary to what some people may think, the routine procedure is straightforward and relatively comfortable, providing damaged teeth a new lease on life. Visit our exceptional, compassionate team to learn more about restoring your smile's health, function, and natural appearance. 

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

Inside each tooth is an area called the pulp chamber, which contains blood vessels, connective tissues, and nerves. A tooth's inner pulp can become infected due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma, leading to severe pain, infection, swelling, and even an abscess if left untreated. 

Root canal therapy is an endodontic procedure designed to save severely infected or damaged teeth. It involves carefully removing the infected pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the inside of the tooth, and sealing the space to prevent further infection. Root canal therapy alleviates your pain and saves the damaged tooth, preventing the need for extraction. 

Is a Root Canal Painful?

Despite what most people believe, modern root canal therapy is not as painful as its reputation suggests, thanks to anesthesia and advances in dental technology and techniques. In fact, root canal therapy relieves the pain caused by the infected pulp tissues rather than causing pain. 

Dr. Hill will use local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth, ensuring you're as comfortable as possible. He is also happy to discuss our sedation dentistry options, if needed, to help you relax in the dentist's chair. Many patients undergoing root canal therapy experience immediate relief from the intense toothache they suffered from before their procedure. 

What Are the Indications for Root Canal Therapy?

Here are common signs you may need root canal therapy:

  • Persistent, throbbing pain in a tooth 
  • Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages
  • Swelling or tenderness of the gums by the affected tooth
  • A pimple-like bump on the gums
  • Discoloration or darkening of a tooth
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Drainage of pus from the area
  • Facial swelling on the same side as the painful tooth
  • Pain that radiates to the jawbone, neck, or ear

What Are the Benefits of Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy offers several benefits:

  • Relieving Your Pain: Root canal therapy alleviates the intense toothache caused by infection by removing the infected pulp.
  • Preserving Natural Teeth: Root canal therapy preserves the natural tooth structure, promoting better oral health and function.
  • Prevents the Spread of Infection: By eliminating the source of infection, root canal therapy prevents the spread of bacteria to surrounding teeth and tissues or, more dangerously, into your bloodstream.
  • Restoring Healthy Smiles: Following root canal therapy, we will place a dental crown to protect the treated tooth, restoring its appearance and function.

Root Canal Therapy Near Me in Mallard Creek, NC

Don't let tooth pain hold you back. Contact Afton Dental to learn more about saving an infected or damaged tooth with the help of root canal therapy. Our dedicated team will ensure you are as comfortable as possible throughout the procedure. We invite you to call us at 704-788-1717 or complete our online form to schedule your appointment today!