Root Canal Near Me in Charlotte

You may have heard other people talk about getting root canals done on their teeth. While it may sound like an invasive word, it's truly not. A root canal is simply a dental procedure that removes the infected root of a decaying tooth and replaces it with a filler.

Do I Need Root Canals Near Me?

This type of dental procedure can be utilized to correct a number of different conditions, like a cracked tooth or a deep cavity. One of the first indications that you'll notice when you need this type of procedure is your tooth will become overly sensitive. The most obvious will be sensitivity to hot and cold sensations. Some other common indicators include:

  • Swollen gums
  • Darkening of the gums
  • Pimples on the gums
  • Severe pain while biting or chewing
  • A chipped tooth

Benefits of a Root Canal Over Other Treatment Options

If you're dealing with a decaying tooth, it's likely that you may think removing it is your best option. In reality, a root canal near me is the better choice. When we're able to save your existing tooth's structure, it tends to be healthier for your mouth. It offers more efficient chewing, a natural appearance, normal biting force, and protects other teeth from excessive wear or strain.

What Is the Procedure Like to Get Root Canals Near Me?

If you're thinking of getting a root canal in Charlotte, it's a good idea to understand the whole procedure from start to finish. This will not only give you some insight into how it's done but will also provide much-needed peace of mind when you actually undergo the procedure.

Most procedures will take only one visit to our office. Dr. Bryan Hill will start by administering a local anesthetic to ensure that the area is numb for the procedure's entirety. Next, he'll place a dental dam over the tooth to isolate the area from your saliva during the procedure.

Dr. Hill will proceed to make an opening in the crown of your infected tooth. Using small instruments, he'll clean the infected pulp out of the pulp chamber and shape it for the filling. Once the pulp chamber has been effectively cleaned, Dr. Hill will insert a rubber-like material with an adhesive cement to fill up and seal the pulp chamber.

The entire procedure will take about 30 minutes to 1 hour. You'll need to restrain from eating or drinking very hot or cold beverages that will irritate the tooth. Additionally, you'll need to avoid sticky, chewy, and hard foods for a couple of days.

If you believe that a root canal could benefit your smile, it's time to contact Afton Dental. Let our dental health professionals evaluate your teeth and help you to get the smile that you've always wanted.