Authentic Dental Veneers Near Me in Huntersville

Dealing with stained, chipped, or overly gappy teeth can take a toll on your self-confidence. Fortunately, dental veneers are a great solution that restores the look of your smile with minimal alterations to your existing teeth. These are specifically designed to cover the front portion of your teeth to enhance their appearance.

Specifics About Veneers Near Me

Having these tooth coverings installed is one procedure that will completely alter the look of your smile. Typically made of porcelain, they are essentially shells that are glued to your existing teeth. These shells are designed to fit together in an aesthetically pleasing manner.

Many people rely on this dental option to enhance their smile and their self-confidence level. The shells our dentist install come with many great benefits, including:

  • Dental restoration that looks natural
  • Easy and fast cosmetic tooth repair
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Durable and permanent option
  • Simple to maintain
  • Permanently whiter teeth
  • Much cheaper than dental implants

The Process of Applying Veneers

Before you search for "dental veneers near me," it's important to understand the overall process of receiving this treatment. It starts with a visit to discuss the number of tooth coverings that you need. During this time, our dentist will make impressions of your teeth. These impressions will be shipped to a laboratory for fabrication of your veneers.

During a follow-up visit when your new tooth coverings are in, the surfaces of your teeth will be reshaped by our dentist. In most cases, it's necessary to remove a small portion of the tooth enamel. Next, your teeth will be cleaned, polished, and etched to prepare them to receive the veneers. With some newer designs, you may be able to skip the traditional etching process.

A dental bonding glue or cement attaches the veneer to your existing tooth. Typically, a special light will be used to cure the bonding cement in place. Once bonded, the veneer will be just as strong as your regular tooth. This can be surprising, as an ordinary veneer is usually less than half a millimeter thick.

Once attached, our dentist will polish and shape the tooth covering to make it look as natural as possible. It's likely that you'll need to attend a follow-up visit to ensure that all your teeth remain healthy, and each veneer adheres properly to the tooth it covers.

Looking for Dental Veneers Near Me?

Once you realize all the benefits that having a veneer installed on your tooth can bring, you'll probably want to make an appointment. Our professionals serve Huntersville residents and will make sure the procedure is done right the first time. If you're ready to make an appointment for veneers or just have questions about the process, call us at Afton Dental today to get the assistance you need.